"A human being should be able to heal a wound, plan an expedition, order from a French menu, climb a mountain face, enjoy a ballet, balance accounts, roll a kayak, embolden a friend, tell a joke, laugh at himself, cooperate, act alone, sing a children's song, solve equations, talk to God, throw a dog a stick, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, love heartily, fight efficiently, die gallantly" -- This is what we strive for.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Our trip across the country!

On January 20th 2011, the two of us, plus our dear brother Samuel, took a little road trip:

Maybe it was a little more like a BIG road trip. 9 states, 3 people with fevers, 2.5 days, 2 pets, a moving truck, a car carrier, and 2 vehicles, we made it to the beautiful state of California.

Thankfully, we made it home in one piece. However, its a little sad to leave Virginia behind. We will never forget some of our favorite memories:

Our first apartment

The Navy

Camping (our favorite past-time)

Our first townhome

We are so blessed with such great memories of our first 2.5 years of marriage in Virginia, but we are even more excited to start our new life in California, all surrounded by family and friends.


  1. OMG Alyssa just seeing that map makes me feel a little sigh of relief knowing we avoided the same drive(barely) this time around! You guys are such troopers! I will be soliciting your advice for the moves I know will be in our not-too-distant future ;)
